Kids & Family Kids & Family

Balancing Family Time and Holiday Preparations

Balancing family time and holiday preparations can be challenging, but with effective communication and planning, it's possible to create a harmonious holiday season. Prioritize and delegate tasks among family members, practice time management by scheduling family and preparation activities, and set clear boundaries to manage expectations. Combine holiday preparations with family time to make tasks enjoyable traditions, and prioritize self-care for a healthy balance. By incorporating these key points, you can navigate the holiday season with less stress and cherish quality family time.

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Kids & Family Kids & Family

Strategies for Stress-Free Holidays

A stress-free holiday is crucial for promoting physical and mental well-being, fostering positive relationships, and maximizing the enjoyment of festive traditions and activities. It allows individuals to recharge, connect with loved ones, and create positive memories during a special time of the year.

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Kids & Family Kids & Family

Bonus- Navigating Holiday Stress and Embracing Joyful Solutions

Welcome back to another bonus throwback holiday episode. This conversation was initially part of an Instagram Live series I called Friends Talking Family. I loved these conversations so much that they made their way to the podcast.

This one features, now podcast regular Jess Carey. Jess shares three stressors to avoid during the holidays, backed by timeless wisdom from the Bible. So join us for practical tips on navigating holiday stress and discovering joyful solutions. It offers insights into finding joy and peace amidst the festive hustle.

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Kids & Family Kids & Family

Bonus- Infusing Faith into the Heart of the Holiday Season

This bonus episode is a step back in time to the holiday season of 2020 when I had a chat with Shannon Guerin in an Instagram Live. 

In this throwback episode, we explore the concept of intentionality in holiday celebrations, discussing the significance of choosing how we engage our family. We reflect on the benefits of incorporating one word into our holiday experiences, providing a focal point that helps us stay grounded in the hustle and bustle. 

Even though this conversation is from 3 years ago, it shares timeless insights into celebrating with purpose, finding meaning in festivities, and focusing on what truly matters during the holiday season.

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Kids & Family Kids & Family

Bonus - Celebrate the Holidays with Purpose and Peace

This bonus episode is a step back in time to the holiday season of 2020 when I had a chat with Shannon Guerin in an Instagram Live. 

In this throwback episode, we explore the concept of intentionality in holiday celebrations, discussing the significance of choosing how we engage our family. We reflect on the benefits of incorporating one word into our holiday experiences, providing a focal point that helps us stay grounded in the hustle and bustle. 

Even though this conversation is from 3 years ago, it shares timeless insights into celebrating with purpose, finding meaning in festivities, and focusing on what truly matters during the holiday season.

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How One Word Can Help You Navigate The Holiday Season 2020

Whether you love or dread this time of year, I have a practice that will help you stress less, leave behind unrealistic expectations, and get through the holidays well. Instead of “going with the flow” this season, you can create the experience you want for your family by choosing One Word that will help you say yes to the things that matter and no to the things that don’t.

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