Amanda White on Truth in the Tinsel: A Simple Way to Celebrate the Christmas Season

There are so many different ways we can observe the Christmas season. This week’s guest Amanda White created Truth in the Tinsel. It’s an ebook that she calls an Advent experience for little hands. It's more than a devotional, it's more than a craft book. It’s a memory builder for your family. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The story behind Truth in the Tinsel Advent devotional and activity ebook

  • Why faith traditions matter

  • How to adapt your family traditions as your kids get older

Key Points:

  • A yearly Advent practice will transform the way your kids relate to Christmas and their faith.

  • Kids need movement. They learn with their hands and even meditate with their hands.

  • Holidays and the traditions that surround them are incredible opportunities to lay a foundation of family and faith.  

Mentioned in this episode:

Where you can find our guest:

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