How One Word Can Help You Navigate The Holiday Season 2020
Whether you love or dread this time of year, I have a practice that will help you stress less, leave behind unrealistic expectations, and get through the holidays well. Instead of “going with the flow” this season, you can create the experience you want for your family by choosing One Word that will help you say yes to the things that matter and no to the things that don’t.
In this episode you will hear:
How to leave behind unrealistic expectations, set boundaries, and be intentional with my time.
How One Word for the Holiday changed the way we celebrate our holiday.
Simple steps you can take to choose your One Word for the Holiday.
Key Points:
You don’t have to overspend or overcommit to make lasting memories with your family.
You can leave behind unrealistic expectations, set boundaries, and be intentional with your time with One Word for your holiday season.
Significance can be simple!
Mentioned in this episode:
You may be interested in articles from Kimberly on the topic:
One Word for the Holiday worksheet
It will walk you through the process. In it, you’ll find a word bank, questions that will help you choose your One Word, and a calendar for planning your time well.
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