Becky Kiser and The Secret to Making Your Holidays More Meaningful

The way we celebrate the holidays shapes our family culture. The traditions and customs around Birthdays, Easter, Thanksgiving, and yes, even Valentine’s Day create experiences in our home that are remembered by our children years after they leave our home.

In this episode you will hear:

  • What families make to celebrate holidays in a way that matters.

  • How you can feel confident in the choices you make around the holidays.

  • Why your holidays shouldn’t be all about the kids.

  • A simple way to approach the holidays with intention.

Key Points:

  • Give yourself grace in comparing your holidays with others.

  • You get to choose what you want the holidays look like for your family.

  • Don't be afraid to have those hard conversations, even if they include confrontation, at the beginning of a holiday so that they will be what you want them to be.  

Mentioned in this episode:


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