Strategies for Stress-Free Holidays

A stress-free holiday is crucial for promoting physical and mental well-being, fostering positive relationships, and maximizing the enjoyment of festive traditions and activities. It allows individuals to recharge, connect with loved ones, and create positive memories during a special time of the year.

Key Points:

  1. Clarifying Family Purpose: Discussing and defining the family's purpose or values for the holidays to align priorities and set a common understanding.

  2. Setting Realistic Expectations: Managing expectations by openly discussing limitations and potential challenges, reducing stress, and avoiding disappointments.

  3. Mindful Planning and Flexibility: Creating a holiday plan that reflects the family's purpose, prioritizing communication, and being adaptable to unexpected changes or situations.

Mentioned in this episode:

One Word for the Holiday Worksheet

Want less stress and more peace this holiday season? This resource will help you choose One Word and narrow your family’s focus over the next few weeks. It includes a word bank, questions to consider, and a calendar for planning your time well.

Where you can find our hosts:

Kimberly Amici

Jaclyn Weidner

Elise Daly Parker

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Balancing Family Time and Holiday Preparations


Bonus- Navigating Holiday Stress and Embracing Joyful Solutions