Kids & Family Kids & Family

Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins on How to Have Crucial Conversations With Your Kids

Parenting isn’t for wimps. We get this sense right from the very start when we bring our first child home and realize it’s not exactly as we imagined. It’s not always easy because there are no fail-safe formulas. It can be frustrating, fun, heartbreaking and full of joy. We can weather these ups and down when we remind ourselves that no matter where we find ourselves, parenting it is a God-given privilege.

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Kids & Family Kids & Family

Crystal Paine on The Transforming Power of Love-Centered Parenting

As a mom, it is natural to want to measure how we are doing by the results we get from our kids. It’s easy to get caught up in whether or not they get good grades, make the right choices, or act appropriately in public. Sure, we want to raise good kids and be a good mom, but it will lead to spending too much time correcting and not enough time connecting if we are not careful.

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