Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins on How to Have Crucial Conversations With Your Kids

Parenting isn’t for wimps. We get this sense right from the very start when we bring our first child home and realize it’s not exactly as we imagined. It’s not always easy because there are no fail-safe formulas. It can be frustrating, fun, heartbreaking, and full of joy. We can weather these ups and down when we remind ourselves that no matter where we find ourselves, parenting is a God-given privilege.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The difference between formula-based parenting and wisdom-based parenting 

  • Topics of crucial conversations we should be having with our kids 

  • How to create an open environment in our homes that allows these crucial gospel-centered conversations

Key Points:

  • There is no one size fits all formula for raising kids. 

  • Wisdom is an inaccessible mystery. You can gain skills in listening, talking, disciplining, encouraging. Anybody with any background can do it. 

  • The most crucial and difficult conversations are the ones that come flying in from out of nowhere. You can be ready for them. 

  • Crucial conversations about important topics don’t have to be all or nothing. They can be unpacked in smaller conversations over time. 

  • Be careful to not create a cancel culture in our homes by not making them feel canceled by God or by us.

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