Kids & Family Kids & Family

Jaclyn and Brendan Weidner on Successfully Having Hard Conversations in Marriage

Good communication in marriage helps you grow. But there are often “hard” conversations that neither you nor your spouse wants to have. They may be conversations about annoying or difficult issues. They may be the topics that you dodge because they make you both angry, defensive, sad, and hurt. However, engaging in these talks shows you care about your spouse and your marriage.

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Kids & Family Kids & Family

How to Be a Bad Listener

Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak and listen. It creates a foundation that allows us to communicate well. While it involves these particular skills, literacy is so much more than this. It is about learning to use reading and writing in real and important ways. As parents we can encourage their literacy, and then keep it going by the simple everyday things we do in our home.

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