Figs O'Sullivan and The One Thing that May be Missing in your Family - Empathy

Good communication is a skill. Unfortunately, we’re not born with the ability to talk with one another in a way that makes us feel heard and understood. If we did, our relationships and marriages would be much easier. My biggest frustration in marriage is trying to communicate with someone that not’s like me. This is where empathy comes in.

In this episode you will hear:

  • What empathy is

  • Why it is so important in a relationship and a family

  • How we make our relationships work

  • The benefits to a family with the parents have nurturing relationships with one another

Key Points:

  • Empathy allows us to share emotional experiences.

  • Once we first let conflict deescalate then can step into one another's story. 

  • How we recover from a conflict is far more important than never getting into conflict.

Mentioned in this episode:

Where you can find our guest:


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