You Alone Can Create a Strong Family Culture

According to a survey I took back in April. one of the biggest obstacles in imagining, planning and building your family culture was not wanting to do this work on your own. Fo whatever the reason you find yourself alone in this process, I want you to know that you can do this! You can take small steps that will help your family live with purpose. I know because I did.

In this episode you will hear:

  • My story about how those things that I thought didn't matter really did have a lasting impact created the culture we have today.

  • 4 steps you can take to take control of your family’s culture

Key Points:

  • The actions that you take within your family will either have a positive or negative impact. No actions are neutral when it comes to culture building. 

  • You are doing better than you think.

  • When you get to the point where you believe the things you do matter, whether small or large, you'll begin to take action. And that action will create forward motion in your family.

Mentioned in this episode:

The Family Meeting Packet

Family Coaching

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Connect with Kimberly on her blog at www.kimberlyamici.comInstagramTwitter, and Facebook


Figs O'Sullivan and The One Thing that May be Missing in your Family - Empathy


{Bonus Rebroadcast} One Word Can Change The Way You Navigate The Holiday Season