Jaclyn and Brendan Weidner on Successfully Having Hard Conversations in Marriage

Good communication in marriage helps you grow. But there are often “hard” conversations that neither you nor your spouse wants to have. They may be conversations about annoying or difficult issues. They may be the topics that you dodge because they make you both angry, defensive, sad, and hurt. However, engaging in these talks shows you care about your spouse and your marriage.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What led Jaclyn and Brendan to create a series on the Ready to Thrive podcast about Hard Conversations 

  • The hard conversations couples should be having with each other

  • The things necessary for a safe conversation 

  • What it looks like to make space for these conversations

Key Points:

  • Resolving smaller conflicts will give you wins that give you the muscle memory you need to move on and resolve bigger conflicts.  

  • Really good listeners are people who listen to understand, not to defend, and not to build their own case.

  • Various personality tools, such as The Five Love Languages and the Enneagram help you understand who your spouse is and how they communicate so you can avoid trigger words or other things that aren't helpful.

  • Creating rules of engagement will help you have better conversations. 

Mentioned in this episode:

You may be interested in articles from Kimberly on the topic: 

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