Sarah Koontz on How Family Culture Helps You Through Life’s Changes

Making big changes can be scary, especially when those changes affect not only you but the ones you love.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The benefit of new rhythms and routines

  • Why you shouldn’t compare your family to others.

  • Simple steps you can take when moving your family in a new direction.

Key points:

  • Your choices have a ripple effect on your family.

  • Big changes happen in small steps.

  • God is big enough to put your family where your family needs to be and to show you how to live out and create a positive family culture that is uniquely yours.

Where you can find Sarah:

Currently available from Sarah Koontz:

A 6-week study titled "Reclaim the Sabbath: Creating Space for Sacred Rest"

The format includes:: one weekly e-mail including a 10-15 minute teaching video + a PDF Guided Scripture Reading Plan for the week. You can find it at

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Connect with Kimberly on her blog at www.kimberlyamici.comInstagramTwitter, and Facebook


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