Bonnie Gray on Building a New Legacy for Your Family

God can use depression, anxiety, and PTSD to help build a beautiful new legacy for a family. Bonnie Gray is here to tell us all about it. She recently released her memoir Sweet Like Jasmine which recounts her journey with making peace with a past she wanted desperately to erase.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The story behind Sweet Like Jasmine

  • What PTSD is and when it’s typically experienced

  • The importance of being vulnerable and finding belonging

  • How journaling helps with mental and emotional healing

Key Points:

  • Verbal abuse and emotional abuse has the same impact on a person as physical abuse.

  • Our nervous system is naturally built to help us be resilient, but it's not forever. We're not made to carry burdens indefinitely.

  • You are the mom that God has created to be the perfect mom for your children. You have everything you need in your story.

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