Jonathan & Emily Martin on the 6 Pillars of Family Worship

Music has incredible power to shape our mood and mold our behavior. It does things like help runners run faster, party goers get ready for a night out, and boost productivity. One study even shows that playing music actually makes activities such as chores more enjoyable and food taste better.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What the 6 Pillars of Family Worship are 

  • About The "God of Generations'' Family Devotion Book and The Family Worship Initiative

Key Points:

  • We can put God's words in our hearts and in our minds by the songs that we sing together.

  • Part of prayer is remembering that we're not just doing a thing, but we are together meeting with the God of the universe and we're being relational with him.

  • We can't really worship God if we're not also making a point to intentionally love each other well, because God takes how we treat one another personally.

  • The fun that we have together creates a context for our relationship.

  • One of the ways to win over the hearts of our kids is to continue to invest in them, to share in the things they enjoy, and to create moments of fun together.

Where you can find our guest:

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