Lynn Cowell and Michelle Nietert on Helping Our Girls Feel Loved and Cherished

Do you remember your Middle School years? I sure do. They were awkward and uncomfortable. I was insecure and I wanted people to like me. Thank goodness we didn’t have social media back then, because I think I would have been a hot mess. Today’s guests Lynn Cowell and Michelle Nietert wrote Loved & Cherished: 100 Devotionals for Girls. They believe that if girls know how much God loves them, they’ll be able to withstand the trials that cause negative thinking particularly in those tween years.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The prevailing issues that girls 8-12 are dealing with

  • The benefits of building a foundation of love in the life of a girl

  • Some of the ways adults we inadvertently mis-communicate to our children that they aren’t loved and cherished

  • The differences in the life of girls that do and don’t believe they are loved

Key Points:

  • Pulling away from friends, having trouble sleeping, or changing eating habits can be signs of anxiety and depression.

  • When tweens have a strong sense of identity, they can manage mental health issues that come along.

  • When your worth and value come from how much God loves you, you'll be able to withstand the trials that cause negative thinking.

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