You Know What Your Passionate About... Now What?

We are all passionate about something but few of us can say that those passions are a part of our lives. In this episode, we will be addressing what to consider when making what matters to you most show up in your every day.

In this episode you'll hear:

  • Examples of what it looks like to take small steps to incorporate what you passionate about into your life

  • How to turn your passions into practices.

  Key Points:

  • With careful thought and intention, you can incorporate what matters to you most into your life.

  • Just like you can turn your values into practices, you can turn your passions into practice too!

  • You do this by making a list of your non-negotiables, passions, and the things that matter.

  • Find creative ways to use your time, talent, and resources accordingly.

You may be interested in Kimberly's post on the topic: 

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How Words Shape Your Family Culture


Why What You are Passionate About Matters