Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici

Transitioning from Summer to School Year Bedtimes

The long days of summer bring endless activities that satisfy my children’s thirst for fun. There is always something to do or somewhere to go. But the later evenings (and more hours of sunlight)  make our bedtimes unpredictable and blurred, often pushed back in the chase of a summer high. I am over at Faith Gateway talking about a unique children's book that encourages children to use visualization techniques during the storytelling that stretch and engage their imaginations to help them drift off into a peaceful sleep.

It’s hard to believe summer is almost over.

The long days of summer bring endless activities that satisfy my children’s thirst for fun. There is always something to do or somewhere to go. But the later evenings (and more hours of sunlight)  make our bedtimes unpredictable and blurred, often pushed back in the chase of a summer high.

But soon it is time to go back to our old way of doing things, to embrace predictable evenings and stricter bedtimes. Getting ready for the new school year requires us to retrain both our bodies and minds. Instead of running ourselves empty, we are learning all over again how to settle down with a good book and ease into a good night’s sleep.

Head over to Faith Gateway to hear about a unique children's book that encourages children to use visualization techniques during the storytelling that stretch and engage their imaginations to help them drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici

How to Help Calm Our Kids’ Back-to-School Anxiety

The start of a new school year is an exciting time for many, but it can also stir up apprehension and anxiety even in the most confident child. Over the years, I have seen firsthand how the fear of the unknown can steal the joy of going back to school. 

While the Word of God is the most powerful tool we have in combating fear and anxiety, we can do a few things to help our kids prepare for their first few days of school.

The start of a new school year is an exciting time for many, but it can also stir up apprehension and anxiety even in the most confident child. Over the years, I have seen firsthand how the fear of the unknown can steal the joy of going back to school. 

While the Word of God is the most powerful tool we have in combating fear and anxiety, we can do a few things to help our kids prepare for their first few days of school. Join me over at Faith Gateway to get six tips to help our kids during the back-to-school season. Take me there...

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Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici

You Don’t Have to Be a Grown-up to Make a Difference

The Bible tells us that we are to serve others with the gifts we are given. Service to others is one of the primary ways we demonstrate God’s love. It also shows gratitude for the gifts, talents, and resources we have been given. Plus, it prevents entitlement from creeping into our lives. I am over at FaithGateway talking about working with our little ones to help make a difference in the world. Join me there... 

The Bible tells us that we are to serve others with the gifts we are given. Service to others is one of the primary ways we demonstrate God’s love. It also shows gratitude for the gifts, talents, and resources we have been given. Plus, it prevents entitlement from creeping into our lives. I am over at FaithGateway talking about working with our little ones to help make a difference in the world. Join me there... 

In January I mentioned a book series from award-winning Christian recording artist Natalie Grant. It was created with her twin daughters and their little sister. The first book in the series is London Art Chase. It was followed by A Dolphin Wish and now the recently released Miracle in Music City.

In this latest book the three sisters – Mia, Maddie, and LuLu learn that they aren’t too young to make a difference by getting involved in their mom’s annual benefit and auction. A missing guitar, new friendships, and a desire to help others take the sisters on an unexpected journey. After my daughter read this book she gained a better understanding of the needs many people have. She also grew in confidence that, despite being young, she can serve others; specifically those God puts on her heart. More on this fabulous book for tweens over at FaithGateway too!

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Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici

Building Skills and Creativity in Your Child

The desire to create, build, and restore is not unique to our family. Throughout the Bible, and even today, God invites His people to co-labor with Him in restoration, both physical and spiritual. My kids may not be rebuilding physical walls but, like Nehemiah, they are learning to plan, persevere, and collaborate as they create their virtual worlds.

The desire to create, build, and restore is not unique to our family. Throughout the Bible, and even today, God invites His people to co-labor with Him in restoration, both physical and spiritual. My kids may not be rebuilding physical walls but, like Nehemiah, they are learning to plan, persevere, and collaborate as they create their virtual worlds. More on this over at Faith Gateway, join me there... 

Are your kids virtual builders like mine?

If they are, the Minecrafters Bible from Zonderkidz is bound to pique their interest. You can read  more about it in the post.

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Faith Gateway Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway Kimberly Amici

Road Trip through America - Top 5 Reasons to Road Trip

My family loves a good road trip. Every summer we pack up the RV and head out on a multi-state vacation this includes sight seeing, amusement parks, museums, and trying new local foods at great restaurants. No matter how long or short the trip, it’s always fun-filled and educational.

I am over at Faith Gateway sharing the top 5 reasons road tripping might be a great vacation for you. If a road trip isn’t possible this year you can still take a tour of America right in your own backyard with the resource I mention. Click here to read more... 

My family loves a good road trip. Every summer we pack up the RV and head out on a multi-state vacation this includes sight seeing, amusement parks, museums, and trying new local foods at great restaurants. No matter how long or short the trip, it’s always fun-filled and educational.

I am over at Faith Gateway sharing the top 5 reasons road tripping might be a great vacation for you. If a road trip isn’t possible this year you can still take a tour of America right in your own backyard with the resource I mention. Click here to read more... 

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Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici

On Stewarding your Child's Funny Bone

Our family has a clown, my son. He enjoys makings others laugh at home and especially at school, and God has gifted him with a sense of humor. I am over at Faith Gateway today talking about Parenting a funny kid plus resources to help.

“Each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” — 1 Peter 4:10

As parents and caregivers, it is our job to teach our children how to steward their gifts well. Even when kids are young, we can ask them if they are you using what they’ve been given for the benefit of others, to make the world a better place? Or are they just using those talents to benefit themselves?

Our family has a clown, my son. He enjoys makings others laugh at home and especially at school, and God has gifted him with a sense of humor. I am over at Faith Gateway today talking about Parenting a funny kid plus resources to help. Join me there... 

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Faith Gateway, Sweet Lessons, Faith Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway, Sweet Lessons, Faith Kimberly Amici

On Motherhood and Expectations

Have you ever tried to live up to an expectation of motherhood you weren't meant to meet? I have, it's not fun!

As a young mom, I was constantly on edge. I lacked the kindness and compassion I knew was important in building healthy relationships with my children. I was easily angered and then I’d beat myself up for losing my temper. I set high expectations for myself, yet continually failed to meet them. I woke up each morning hoping this would be the day that things would fall into place and I would get this mothering thing right.

I learned motherhood looks different for all of us and there is no one way to do it. Join me at FaithGateway to read about how I got unstuck and found freedom in the mother God created me to be. 

Have you ever tried to live up to an expectation of motherhood you weren't meant to meet? I have, it's not fun!

As a young mom, I was constantly on edge. I lacked the kindness and compassion I knew was important in building healthy relationships with my children. I was easily angered and then I’d beat myself up for losing my temper. I set high expectations for myself, yet continually failed to meet them. I woke up each morning hoping this would be the day that things would fall into place and I would get this mothering thing right.

“God, how do I change? I need Your direction!” I was surprised at what He showed me. 

I learned motherhood looks different for all of us and there is no one way to do it. Join me at FaithGateway to read about how I got unstuck and found freedom in the mother God created me to be. 

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Faith Gateway Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway Kimberly Amici

Family Mission Statement and Purpose

One of my favorite things to talk about is living intentionally. Early in our marriage, my husband and I talked about the wonderful ideals we had for our family. We wanted a family that loves and serves God together, a welcoming home, and a life that prioritized relationships. Years later we found ourselves in a rut of just surviving, getting through one week after the next.

The best thing we did as a family to change that was to create a family mission statement and seek God for His purpose for our lives. We still go through seasons when we busy gets the best of us but when we recognize it we go back to our mission and purpose to reset.

We believe that God has a unique purpose for our little ones too and they don’t have to wait until they are grown-ups to figure out what it is!

I am over at Faith Gateway talking about what that looks like for us to include out kids in our family mission and purpose. I am also sharing some great resources have helped us along the way. Join me over there to read more...

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