You Don’t Have to Be a Grown-up to Make a Difference
The Bible tells us that we are to serve others with the gifts we are given. Service to others is one of the primary ways we demonstrate God’s love. It also shows gratitude for the gifts, talents, and resources we have been given. Plus, it prevents entitlement from creeping into our lives. I am over at FaithGateway talking about working with our little ones to help make a difference in the world. Join me there...
In January I mentioned a book series from award-winning Christian recording artist Natalie Grant. It was created with her twin daughters and their little sister. The first book in the series is London Art Chase. It was followed by A Dolphin Wish and now the recently released Miracle in Music City.
In this latest book the three sisters – Mia, Maddie, and LuLu learn that they aren’t too young to make a difference by getting involved in their mom’s annual benefit and auction. A missing guitar, new friendships, and a desire to help others take the sisters on an unexpected journey. After my daughter read this book she gained a better understanding of the needs many people have. She also grew in confidence that, despite being young, she can serve others; specifically those God puts on her heart. More on this fabulous book for tweens over at FaithGateway too!