Kids & Family Kids & Family

Janice Scholl on Money, Career, and Motherhood

Money can be an uncomfortable thing to talk about. Many moms would say that talking about money, career, and motherhood together is complicated. While other moms might say, it's unladylike or taboo to talk about how much money you make or how you spend it. But maybe the reason so many women lack confidence in handling finances, both their business and personal life, is that they are not talking about it enough.

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Taryn Sowa and Integrating our Work, Learning and Family Life

If the last 6 weeks have taught us anything, it’s that for many of us it is possible to work from home. I wouldn’t be surprised if after the dust has settled and we are back to normal more people won’t find themselves ditching the commute and work outside the office. This experience has certainly opened our eyes to the possibilities and the benefits of integrating our work, family, and learning.

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