Rachel Pieh Jones on Connecting when Distance and Cultures Separates Us

Every single one of us has difficult people in our lives. You know, those pesky people that never behave the way we want them to, who suck the life out of you. I prefer to to just avoid them but that’s not always an option. Sometimes we just need to dig our heels in and love them.

In this episode you will hear:

  • How your family culture can keep you connected and ground no matter where you live

  • Creative ideas for staying connected with family, whether its extended family that lives far away or kids that no longer live at home

  • What Third Culture Kids are

  • How can we support our friends and neighbors that have more than one culture

Key Points:

  • Distance from our loved ones does not have to hurt our relationships.

  • Intention is the key to staying connected.

  • Intention will look different in every season and every circumstance.

Mentioned in this episode:

Where you can find Rachel:

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