The Benefits of a Clearly Defined Culture

Procrastination, lack of team spirit, and decreased engagement are all signs of a negative culture both in organizations and families. This often happens when the vision and ultimately the culture is not decided ahead of time.

In this episode you'll:

  • Hear about benefits of a clearly defined culture.

  • Learn simple steps to help you decide what you want your family to be known for.

Key Points:

A clearly defined culture:

  • Energizes

  • Engages

  • Creates a sense of belonging

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Resource Mentioned:

Want to start cultivating your family's culture?

Download this free Family Culture Discussion Sheet HERE. It includes questions that will allow you to explore who you are as a family and challenge you to dream about what you could be together.

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Connect with Kimberly on her blog at www.kimberlyamici.comInstagramTwitter, and Facebook


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