{Rebroadcast} Are you Creating Culture or is it Creating You?

Every family has a particular way they work together to solve problems, achieve goals, and connect with one another. It’s their Family Culture! Just like business culture, family culture is either created by default, subject to the whims of its members, or through intentionality.

In this episode we discussed:

  • What is was like when our family had a default culture.

  • The characteristics of default culture.

  • What default culture looks like in a family.

  • The characteristics of intentional culture.

  • The benefits of intentional culture.

  • A few questions you can ask yourself that will help determine where your family culture is now.

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Connect with Kimberly on her blog at www.kimberlyamici.com, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook


{Rebroadcast} The Benefits of a Clearly Defined Culture


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