{Rebroadcast} Strategies to Cultivate Healthy Sibling Relationships

Do your children have a good relationship with each other? Or are they more likely to fight than enjoy each other’s company? As parents, we play a crucial role in helping nurture a good sibling relationship and reduce sibling rivalry and conflict.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What are the benefits of teaching and even insisting that your children get along

  • What we do to promote healthy relationships between our kids

  • What undermines and what encourage sibling relationships

Key Points:

  • Our sibling relationships prepares us for future relationships outside the home. 

  • Sibling conflict is an opportunity to teach our kids how to get along.

  • Age and personality differences are not an excuse for siblings not to get along.

  • You don't get a pass on being using basic etiquette with your siblings.

Mentioned in this Episode: 

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{Rebroadcast} Dr. Sasha Shillcutt on Setting and Keeping Brave Boundaries


{Rebroadcast} Kristin and Danny Adams on Following The Road to Love and Laughter