Dividing Household Responsibilities - Taking the Stress of Who Does What

Who does what in your home? Is there a strict division of labor? Or do you do everything together and share responsibility? There is no right to do it, however, it must be talked about or bitterness and resentment can take root and negatively impact your marriage.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What the division of labor looks like in our homes 

  • The best time to access who does what in the home

  • Questions we can ask ourselves and our partner to get on the same page in this area

Key Points:

  • Divisions of labor can and may need to change during different seasons of family life. 

  • Getting kids involved around the house will lighten the load.

  • Asking for help and offering help are equally important.  

  • Instead of just making a list of all the things that you do. Make a list and recognize what your spouse and other family members do too.

Mom Life Recommendations:


You may be interested in articles from Kimberly on the topic: 

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