{Rebroadcast} Imagine, Plan, and Build a Family Life You'll Love

Creating a family culture isn’t complicated. It's simply deciding what you want your family to be known for, determining your core values and passions, and then figuring out what those look like in your everyday life. Another way to put it. It's choosing what's important. The benefits are incredible.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What family culture is

  • Why family culture matters

  • How you can start being intentional about yours

  • How our Build Your Best Family course has impacted others

  • Details about the new group course launch

Key Points:

  • Family culture is the norm values, beliefs, and customs of people that are passed down from generation to generation. 

  • Family culture plays an even more influential role in shaping a child than parenting styles

  • The best part is that an intentionally built culture helps you say yes to the things that matter and no to the things that don't.

Mentioned in this episode:

  • Build Your Best Family Signature Course Sign up HERE.


Gary Thomas on Strengthing Your Marriage


{Rebroadcast} Rorke Denver and What a Navy SEAL Can Teach us About Family Culture