Jennifer Zumbiel on How to Have Great Conversations with Your Kids

Did you know that meaningful conversations at family dinners make kids less likely to abuse drugs or become depressed? They can also strengthen vocabulary and boost self-esteem. Here’s how to take the guesswork out of having fun and meaningful conversations with your kids so that you stay connected.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Why Togather™ for Family Dinner conversation sticker game was created

  • What healthy communication looks like in a family 

  • How everyday distractions impact face-to-face communication and threaten the strength of our relationships

  • How to know when to listen and when to just add our two cents when our kids share things with us

Key Points:

  • As parents, we are gatekeepers to meaningful conversations. 

  • Eye contact is essential to having great conversations. Making eye contact with our kids tells them you care about them. 

  • Keep dinner time positive. It can be a place where your kids know that their day will get better here.

  • When your kids are speaking, listen without thinking about the next thing you want to say. 

  • The easiest way to eliminate distractions is just to say no.

Mentioned in this episode:

Where you can find our guest:


Eric Geiger on Helping Our Kids Break Free From Performance Pressure


Aaron and Jamie Ivey on Forgiveness and Fun in Marriage