Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici

Gold Medal Perseverance

We will all encounter obstacles. We can choose to either let them define us or trust God and overcome them. I am over at Faith Gateway talking about the book Courage to Soar by Simone Biles.   

In it, she shares about the obstacles she had to overcome and her rocky road to Rio. Join me there to hear more about her story and this inspiring book

Have you ever felt like you wanted to give up? Quit the job that makes you unhappy or end that relationship that’s just too hard? I know I have. What about your teens? Do the pressures they experience at school and in sports overwhelm them?

In Hebrews 13:21 it says God will “equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.

How encouraging!

We will all encounter obstacles. We can choose to either let them define us or trust God and overcome them. I am over at Faith Gateway talking about the book Courage to Soar by Simone Biles.   

In it, she shares about the obstacles she had to overcome and her rocky road to Rio. Join me there to hear more about her story and this inspiring book

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