Helping our Teens Discover their Passions
uAs my daughter approaches adulthood, I encourage her to pray about her future and ask God to show her the dreams and passions He has placed in her heart. I am over at Faith Gateway sharing questions we can ask our teens to help them discover the passions they’ll purse as they become adults.
“Where do you want to go to college?”
“What do you want to do when you graduate?”
These are the questions friends and family are starting to ask my daughter.
I often ask her those same questions, plus…
“If you go to college, do you want to stay close to home or go far away?”
“Do you want to go to a small or big school, one in a city or suburbia?”
She doesn’t have the slightest idea; I’m not surprised because she’s only 15!
Even though I want to have this all figured out now, I’ve committed to telling my daughter that no matter what she does in life, or where she attends college, it will all work out. She need not worry, because God has a plan for her future that is “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” As she approaches adulthood, I encourage her to pray about her future and ask God to show her the dreams and passions He has placed in her heart.
I am over at Faith Gateway sharing alternative questions we can ask our teens to help them discover the passions they’ll pursue as they become adults. READ MORE…