This Month: Learning What the Bible Says about Praise
This month I am focusing on the topic of PRAISE with my children.
Praise and worship take the focus off ourselves and puts it on God. It eliminates the complaining and negativity. It’s also an essential part of prayer as demonstrated in the Lord’s prayer.
This month I am focusing on the topic of PRAISE with my children.
Praise and worship take the focus off ourselves and puts it on God. It eliminates the complaining and negativity. It’s also an essential part of prayer as demonstrated in the Lord’s prayer.
God is a good God who deserves our praise because His steadfast love endures forever (Psalm 106:1). Because of His mercy, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have an inheritance that can’t be stolen or lost (1 Peter 1:3-4a). As we sing to God, it glorifies Him and shows our appreciation for all He has done and is yet to do (Psalm 69:30). I am especially thankful that we no longer have to bring a physical sacrifice to the temple to enter into God’s presence. Instead, we can offer up a sacrifice of praise and use our words to continually acknowledge His name (Hebrews 13:15).
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What Does the Bible Say About Laughter?
I love a good laugh, don't you? God knew what He was doing when we created laughter. I am so thankful that when God, in His wisdom, created us, He created laughter too! Humor and joy are mentioned many times throughout Scripture. I am over at FaithGateway talking about... What Does the Bible Say About Laughter? Join me there..