Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway, Faith Kimberly Amici

How Retelling Bible Stories Lay a Foundation of Faith

I’ve lost track of the number of times I have heard stories form the Bible. I am often tempted to think I couldn’t possibly learn something new. Then I remember how endless the wisdom and insight of God is. So I humble myself and lean in. With that frame of mind, I almost always get a new revelation of His Word.

As a young child, I can remember hearing the stories of my favorite Bible heroes over and over again. Whether at Sunday School or at home, I marveled at the adventures experienced by Moses, Nehemiah, Esther, and John the Baptist.

Now as an adult, I read these same stories to my children.

I’ve lost track of the number of times I have heard these stories. I am often tempted to think I couldn’t possibly learn something new. Then I remember how endless the wisdom and insight of God is. So I humble myself and lean in. With that frame of mind, I almost always get a new revelation of His Word.

I am over at Faith Gateway sharing a lesson I learned from David and Goliath. I did not learn this lesson the first, second, or even twentieth time I heard this triumphant tale. Each time I heard this story as a child it laid a foundation of faith in my life, setting the stage for future lessons. 

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