Faith Gateway Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway Kimberly Amici

The Ultimate Bible for Girls

Join me at Faith Gateway to hear about Ultimate Bible for Girls. It’s for preteen girls ages 8 through 12. In the simple to read NIV version, it’s packed with features that help them understand themselves and scripture better.


It feels like just yesterday my kids were small enough to fit on my lap. It was such a precious time. Our evening routine consisted of bath time and snuggles while reading Bible stories together. As they got older, they began to read big kid Bibles on their own. The stories were more complex and included fewer pictures. Then they reached the pre-teen years, and we transitioned to a full-text Bible. It was exciting at first, but the kids eventually lost interest in reading it.

I was disappointed. The solution to my problem was finding the “right” Bible for my kids. One they could learn from and enjoy on their own.

Join me at Faith Gateway to hear about Ultimate Bible for Girls. It’s for preteen girls ages 8 through 12. In the simple to read NIV version, it’s packed with features that help them understand themselves and scripture better.

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