This Month: Learning What the Bible Says About Selflessness
This month I am focusing on the topic of SELFLESSNESS with my children.
Spring is right around the corner and I am so looking forward to it. After being indoors for the last 5 months my kids are starting to get impatient and short with one another. Their focus is on themselves and it’s time to shift it back to serving one another.
So I am reminding them that no one should seek their own good but the good of others (1 Corinthians 10:24). They are strong and capable and have been blessed with gifts and talents that are for building up and encouraging others (Romans 15:1-2). And yes, that includes their siblings. It’s easy to love and serve someone when they are nice to us but let’s go a step further and do it even when it’s hard (Luke 6:32-34)! When we are only out to get our own way, strife and stress enter the picture and that’s good for no one (James 3:16).
The digital download of these cards is available in my Etsy Shop for only $0.99. If you prefer the convenience of receiving these cards professionally printed, trimmed, and delivered to your mailbox, you can purchase card sets HERE.