This Month: Learning what the Bible Says about Pride

This month I am focusing on the topic of Pride with my children.

Pride is one of those pesky things that we must all guard against, young and old. It can show itself bold and brass but also subtly. Knowing what the Bible says about it helps us protect our hearts from it.

Fools rely on their pride and are not open to advice. (Proverbs 12:15) However, those who are humble gain great wisdom and understanding. (Proverbs 11:2) When we are humble and patient with one another, bearing with them in love, it creates peace and unity. (Ephesians 4:2-3) A sign of humility is placing value on others rather than seeking to glorify ourselves. (Philippians 2:3-4)

The digital download of these cards are available in my Etsy Shop for only $0.99

  • The digital download of these cards is available in my Etsy Shop for only $0.99. If you prefer the convenience of receiving these cards professionally printed, trimmed, and delivered to your mailbox, you can purchase card sets HERE.



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